Friday, April 30, 2004

Looking towards the weekend

Slowly the warriors are massing on the borders. Tonight they will pack camp and make for the famous Torquilstone Hill in the morning to once again battle for that most honored of relics, The Torquilstone. I myself will not battle but help oversee the challenges that will this year decide who can lay claim to the stone.

I believe Brother Thomas will be making the journey from the south as well as our dear cousin Savine from the further reaches of the state where the river turns southward away from us. Most of the others will be locals who wish to have the bragging rights of having won the stone and the treasures it confers.

Not too much to comment on of late. I decided to not post about turkey crack as it is one of those things better done in person.

Did a little ridding in the course of my work yesterday. If you ever wonder why motorcycles are called Iron horses just take a short trip down US 50 just outside of Athens towards the state street exit. They have the concrete spaced just right so at 60 mph your bike lopes like a horse. Kind of cool for an old quasi-cowboy like me, but at the same time a little unsettling at 60 mph.

Mary, another cousin of ours sent us the nicest present. The sci-fi series Firefly. Why the hell did they ever cancle it? I have been told that Fox shuffled it around like what happened with Bab5. Sorry monkey humping tv programming executives. Whats wrong? Good story lines too scary for you? Not enough tits to draw in the beer belly faction to boost the ratings? Awww, not going to get the new summer house in the islands this year as a bonus? Too bad, suck it up!

It is because of shite like this I do not have cable anymore. Illtiterate drivel for the masses is not my style, sorry.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

What? A new post? Call Homeland Security, it must be an alien invasion!!!!

Sorry about such time between posts.

Okay, I have been slacking. Not without good reason for once. Anyway, here are a few things in random order.

Teflon coated armor,50 mph Russian beetles, Ziggy Boogie Dude, Coffee Gills, Blowing up the world, Stargate SG2 (Guess on that one),Vampire, AND THEN!, Vrrrroooommm oh yea, start it, Silly walking tricks, Movies, Jokes, Stressing far too much about work, Ben being God, Rain ridding, not writing, sharpening knives, why me?, My turn at the keyboard of life, goofy things that fade from memory, visiting with good friends, Barbs lasagnia, Judis chicken paprika, being the shoulder to lean on for way too many people, looking after those who need it, banging my head aginst the wall to make the brain baby stop kicking, Christina wearing only a smile but not naked, fencing,

Okay, did that make sense? If not, welcome to the club, that has been a short synopsis of things of late.

I did get into a comic tho! That was way cool, thanks Ben.

Here it is, although it will only make real sense if you play warhammer 40k

Now to add with this a disclaimer from another friends comic:

Nine Lives Many Masters

I recomend starting from the first comic and working forward, it is worth it.

Go by Zaks CD, it is cool music and it is well worth it! I love when we get to go jam with him altho he politely puts us all to shame.

Gonna be brewing this weekend if I survive till then, figure blueberry of some sort. Still considering a small batch of Pixi Stick mead just for advanced evil reasons.

Well, looks like rain, time to go cover my iron horse


Hey, it may be confusing, but at least I posted!

Till next time, be mindful and awake.