Saturday, March 4, 2006

I knew eventually it would become clear.

So I was checking through the trash bin in my email program, where out of 250 some odd messages more than 200 went this morning and I saw the header of an email that made it all too clear to me.

See, there are these spammers out there. If you didn't notice by now, you do not have email. Now consider this, all they need is to hook you on one thing and then the rest of their junk suddenly seems worthwhile. There are drugs to lower cholesterol, a drug to counter the effects of that drug. You will need another to counteract the side effects of that one, which may cause weight gain, and so on and so forth. I think you can see the trend.

Today though was different. They caught and held my attention for almost 30 seconds. Then luckily I snapped back to reality. What, pray tell, did the message header say?

Complimentary $500 Gift Card to Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Doughnuts

So very close...

Till next time,
Be mindful and awake.