Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Warning:Contains Vulgar Language

It is not often I give this warning but here it is. I kinda blew my top on something but I think I get my point across.

If you are offended by vulgarity then this post will really piss you off.

So I am watching this news clip about cloned vehicles.

No kidding they said cloned vehicles. Seems that smugglers have caught on to the idea of making average trucks and vans look like something else. A standard Econoline van suddenly becomes a FedEx truck with a little graphics. Say it isn't so! Not like they used milk trucks during prohibition to smuggle booze around. But wait, there is a new twist. That is right, and I quote "They could be used by terrorists in a terror attack". No shit Sherlock. Like there are a lot of Terrorist cells out delivering baked goods. I lost count how many times they said terrorist and terror in a little 3 minute segment. Talk about feeding the culture of fear.

Come on people! I remember when people stood up for themselves and were not just victims. The media always like to throw up 9/11 in our faces and talk about the terrible tragedy of the towers. Yes it was horrible. Yes it was a senseless loss of life, but let us please drop it! Can you not see that this fear mongering is what keeps people huddled in their homes afraid of a small group of people that may or may not do something?

What happened to the country that would happily run up and kick a Nazi right square in the soft bits? Where did the Cold Warriors go? We would have said "Alright Mother-fucker, bring it on!" not "Oh please Mister Bureaucrat, save me from the invisible evil that may or may not be there." Grow a pair people. We were willing to go and fight 13 million Germans in WW2. Yet we are scared to death of a few hundred terrorists? Why? Have we become so complacent in our air conditioned, germ free environments that we cannot even take a problem head on without 54 committees, 500 new laws and therapy for everyone involved? Have we lost the spirit that caused us to tame the west and go to the moon? Are we nothing more than just shells of what was once a great country of freedom loving people. We have become subjects. We are being ruled by fear and those in power who wish to keep us afraid to stay in power. We even have a secret police that answers to no one and operates on lists of people who are suspected of crimes they may or may not have comitted. Hello?? We have secret prisons, no habeas corpus any more, fewer rights and even fewer options. Is this not what we were fightin against in the whole WW2 thing?

Terrorist are nothing new, our country was founded by them. Remember that.
Sorry Mister Jefferson, I just don't think they get it anymore.

Till next time,
Be mindful and awake