Saturday, January 3, 2004

It's mine..all mine!!!!!

Alright, so I went a while without an update. Big deal, it was the holidays.

There was work, lots and lots of work since my partner was in Colorado. Least he had a good time there so it was a good thing.

Let me tell you what I got. It is a sure sign I was /VERY/ good this year!

Yea! It's a 2004 Royal Enfield 500ES Millitary.

To put it lightly, it ROCKS!

Today I passed my exams for the motorcycle license, got an 80 percent so I was pleased. So, if you see what looks like some demented messenger out of WWII movie, your not seeing things. It's me!

Unloading it from the semi was a treat. If it were not for The Fish, Daniel and Jax, I would have been stuck up the preverbial creek. Thanks again everyone, hope the pizza made up for it in some way.

And last but not at all least a very BIG public thank you to Judi for such an awesome present!

MY SWEETY GOT ME A BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There, I am better now....

MY SWEETY GOT ME A BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell I am enthused?

Anyway, more later as this saga I call life moves on.

Till next time, be mindful and awake.

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