Friday, September 1, 2006

So, a day off

No really, I took one!
So I found this cool link that was design your own cassette tape. Now, some of you will get these jokes and some will not. Too bad, deal!

Till next time,
Be mindful and awake


  1. Oh those are just wrong! I *LOVE* 'em!!

    I would like to order a copy of "Dan 'The Fish' Trout/Zak Kramer's Doom-Tek-A-Tek-A-Go-Go" and the one by Buckaroo Bonzai. :)


  2. You forgot one.... though you may have done what I have failed to and blocked that evening from memory:

    Guacamole Douche.

    I'd say I wish I could recall who started that, but somehow I think I don't want to remember how that one came about. :P
