Monday, March 24, 2008

Yes, it has been a while since an update

There are several good reasons but most of them are not worth going into here. Let me just say that of all the things I have been writing about of late it has either been fiction or if it was a post I thought it was going to be too bitchy.

I feel that ever few posts I need to throw something bright and shiny, a unicorn moment if you will where all the shit storm if suddenly ablated by the appearance of a unicorn with rainbows and sparkles and glitter.

Too bad that shit doesn't happen all the time. Here comes another one of those bitch posts. It was triggered by something most unlikely: Pickles.

Yes, I said pickles. You see I have been of late trying to cut down on the amount of corn syrup that I have been eating. I think it causes a lot of the health problems we see now days. Our bodies cannot deal with all that much sugar and you would be surprised where you find it. Sure, I mean you can assume some carbonated drinks, candy and cereals. But it is in places you may never believe, like pickles. Yea, I was shocked too. Well, when it came to the sweet pickles I was not too shocked because they are labeled sweet. The problem was after almost 25 minutes of reading labels I only found one type of pickles that did not have corn syrup in it. What the hell! This stuff is in everything!
Check these out:
(did the tinyurl thing since they were so long)

Arrrgh, I just wanted a pickle! Bastards!

Till next time,
Be mindful and awake

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to watch out for "100% juice" too. I still haven't figured out how they can legally get away from that one... Pisses me off to no end trying to find a juice that has nothing but JUICE in it. I like juice. Corn syrup-laden shit, on the other hand, I do not like. Except on rare occasion when I'm in the mood for something along hte lines of hawaiian punch or some other thing that is terribly bad for me but I figure in moderation I can live with it.

    But pickles?????? The hell, man? *goes to look at her pickle jar* Nope, my kosher dills are safe. Only kind of pickle I eat anyway so works for me.

    Oh, and beware partially hydrogenated anything, too. Trans fat shit is in all that (and apparently they can legally put 0g even if it has some trace amounts in it, which is dangerous given my other point made below). Those lovely fats that never existed before the invention of artificial ingredients and processed foods. And from what I understand, they haven't exactly found any evidence that those fats actually LEAVE the body after they get into it. O.o At least with saturated fats I know what I'm getting myself into...
