Friday, July 18, 2008

Holy Crap!

Has it been that long since an update?

Apparently it has!

So, needless to say I have been quite busy. I'll skip over the normal boring stuff about too much work blah blah blah. We all know the song and dance and I am sure we are just as sick of hearing about it.

So onto cool things:

I know how to SCUBA dive!

Yeper, done did it and me all certified and stuff. Not that I have been to any breathtaking depths (25 feet) or anything but still. There is a certain awesomeness in looking up and thinking "I have
2 stories of water over my head...Cool!!!" Part of the reasons I did this was having almost drowned as a small child I had "problems" with deep water. Weird for an ex-Navy guy hu? Anyway that and in my head this may be the closest I will ever get to a space walk in my lifetime. How could I pass that up? You do get the sensation of being in space and understand the hard to describe feelings that the astronauts use like the word 'awesome'. But somehow, it just does not fit the bill. I do not know if that is because we have worn out the awe that was once inspired by the word or if it is just that unable to describe the sensations. It comes very close to a sensory overload.

Well, with the classes out of the way perhaps I can get the writing mode a little more often.

So, till next time,
Be mindful and awake.

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