Thursday, February 9, 2006

Words and playing by the rules

I was thinking about words. You know that we use them every day and from more languages than we can even imagine without a second thought.

English, in all its various forms, seems to be infiltrating every language there is out there. You find English in Russian, Chinese, French, and even more obscure languages. Walk up to a Masai and try to say hello in English and there is a good chance you will just get stared at, if one is willing to forgo the fact he may be staring at you just for being out in the middle of the Masai-mara without some sort of weapon. Oh, perhaps weapon is not exactly the most politically correct term. It is kind of inflammatory. How about "Anti-Lion Self Defense Device"? No, anti-lion is not real good either. We shouldn't be anti-lion as that is discriminatory and it pisses off the World Wildlife Fund. Oops, they are the WWF now; don't want to get them in a tizzy. Perhaps we should use "Anti-carnivore Attitude Adjustment Apparatus"? Sorry, there I go again with "anti-" something. How about "Pro-Life Saving Device"? Ooo, no good, bad track record with that wording. Let us try "Existence Assurance Apparatus". So you are standing in the middle of the Masai-mara staring at the 7-foot tall fellow. Oh wait, is tall a wrong term? Lets use "Altitude Gifted". There could be a problem with the word fellow. Let me try this again.

So you are in a generally vertical position in reference to the planet, near, but in deferential respect to the personal space of the 7-foot or 2.1336 meter altitude gifted being of indeterminate orientation personally but who is observationally generally vertical position in reference to the planet, near, but at a distance in deferential respect to your personal space, while you both assert respectfully your personhood, who is there, in relative observation to time/space, holding an existence assurance apparatus who may be wondering where your existence assurance apparatus is and why you are here in the general point of time/space and not in the more philosophical/religious formation of said question.

And you just said hello in English.

Welcome to the confusion that is my mind.

Till next time,
Be mindful and awake.

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