Monday, April 9, 2007

An Open Letter to Mr. Tim O'Riley

Read the link before going any further.
Did you go read it? Good, now you will understand what I am about to go off on.

Dear Mr. O'Riley,
I would like to politely invite you to put your "code" into some bodily orifice Preferably one behind you and below the waistline. I, as well as many other bloggers did not appoint you as our guardian angel nor did we elect you as a person to tell us how to write in our blogs. That is called censorship, something real journalists fight against. I refuse to be censored by any set of codes you or your moral posse may think are for the betterment of all mankind.
Here is a quick hint, take a tip from cable TV, if you don't like it change the page. I know your "outraged" about a threatening comment made on your friends blog. Oh gasp, there may be bad people out there who use naughty words. Most likely it was some 12 year old just mouthing of. If not, tell her to go spend some of that CNN cash on an NRA pistol course and a good handgun. Try something new and stand up for your self. Take responsibility for your own safety, like people once did. I have had some fairly nasty comments on blog over the years but I didn't go running to CNN offering to cry my story exclusively for a few thousand dollars. Buck up people, time to put on your adult undies and deal with it. You, like many others who jumped on the web in the past few years on blogs like to tell those of us who have been here how wonderful of a place you have made it for us.

Wow, I am just so impressed. Please just let me worship at your altar of arrogance.

Keeping in that tune, let me fire back my own code:

We blog because we wish to, it is our right as Americans to speak freely and the right of all humans to express themselves as best as they can. Civility is the preferred mode of writing, but we will not discount anything someone says because they may have used a word we do not agree with. I present this Blogger Code of Mis-Conduct in hopes someone else may stand up and advise politically correct censors they are not welcome on their blogs.

1. We take responsibility for our own words. Period.

We are committed to the "Free Exchange of Ideas" standard: we will not edit comments left on our blogs. We let people talk. If we do not agree with what is being said it is our right to either answer it or delete it. It is OUR RIGHT to procede as WE SEE FIT, not some stupid codes.

We establish standards free of the "We can change it anytime we want to for what ever reason cause it is our ball" method of regulation.

2. We can say anything we want online even if we wouldn't say in person.

3. If it is a public conversation, it stays public. If it is private, it stays private. All conversations may be ended with the use of the delete key.

We will attempt to mind our own business.

4. When we believe someone is unfairly attacking another, we may take action.

We are under no requirement to do anything, even comment. If the person who is being threatened is afraid for their safety, let them seek out the help of an attorney or law enforcement. Let them stand up and take responsibility for their own actions and their own safety.

5. We do allow anonymous comments.

In some places in the world, blogging is an act of rebellion and as such can carry a death penalty in extreme cases. I will not require people to give me any information that may be coerced from me that might lead to such punishments befalling a commenter. I will only cooperate with legal entities as far as I am required to by law in my home country. Show me the court order or get off my porch!

6. We hunt the trolls.

We may or may not prefer to respond to nasty comments about us or our blog, that is our choice. Not ignoring public attacks is often the best way to contain them. They do not just go away.

Oh, and as for your cute little badges, I got one for the rest of us and a little quote to go with it:

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats
-H.L. Mencken

PS - Mr, O'Riley, I will no longer be buying nor recommending books published by your company. If your willing to censor personal blogs one must wonder how much you censor information contained in your books. I will also no longer be doing any peer reviews for O'Riley Media. Keep your books, I prefer to keep my integrity.

Till next time,
Be mindful and awake.

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't there a Penn & Teller episode in Season 2 about self-righteous prigs who elected themselves as guardians of "proper" speech?

    Oh, yeah... and the series Mr. O'Reilly was "Bullshit"!!
