Friday, December 21, 2007

Dear Mister Ridley Scott

Sir, how dare you?
You have taken liberty with one of the classics of American 20th Century cinema, yet again. The first Blade Runner movie you made was a work of not just genius but inspirational art. Then you just had to come out with a director's cut. Fine, we could see what you were trying to portray with that by removing the voice overs, which to my own liking added quite a bit to the movie. But the removal of them did not diminish the overall impact. But now, you have gone too far.

I made time to check my facts before I posted this unlike many of my kneejerk reactionary statements I may or may not have made over time. Acording to the writers were Philip K. Dick (novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?") Hampton Fancher and David Webb Peoples (as David Peoples). No where does it list your name. Only as a director are you mentioned, not even as a co-contributor but only as an uncredited co-producer. Nice job by your agent by the way, letting you take uncredited credit for something you may or may not have done. Any more vague and you might as well run for public office. Here is where the second problem lies. The count was "5 skinjobs" not 4 as you had edited in. 5 count them 5, not 4. Why did you take it upon yourself to change the script? Was it because with the Writers Guild of America being on strike you thought no one would notice? Here begins the lone voice in the darkness. I did notice the small (almost microscopic) changes from the directors cut, a far superior film to what you just released. Is there some sort of problem in Hollywood with Harrison Ford and his charicters? This needs to end. Here it is sweetheart : Han shot first, Decker could be a Replicant. Deal. Maybe your next endeavor should be a re-cut of Aliens as well. I am sure you could make a chunk of money off of it if you could somehow work NASCAR into it , as I am sure you originally intended. Perhaps a big number 3 on the rear of the escape ship or maybe a NASCAR logo tattooed on Ripley's behind.

I believe you do not deserve an Oscar for this re-cut but instead a swift, hard kick with a steel toed boot in the soft parts of your neither regions.

I am glad I took the time to mellow out a bit before posting.

Till next time,
Be mindful and awake

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