Sunday, November 30, 2003

Be kind, rewind....

Remember my mentioning of Elvis recently? Well that theme has continued. Last night Dan, Heather, Zak, Barb, Judi and I went to see Bubba-Hotep. Freaky stuff man. It was enough to make you loose your peanut butter and nanner sandwich. Just reinforced my dislike of butt sucking, soul eating mummies. Ozzie Davis was way cool as JFK. Par usual Bruce Campbell was beyond what you could expect. The whole thing got me thinking, which can be a dangerous idea unto itself. Anyway, the evening was filled afterwards with Barnes and Nobles, a quite decent burrito that was way over stuffed due to the judicious use of Spanish at the right moment, and tons of bad Evils impressions. Funny thing was that Zak and Dan were the worst offenders, the two real skinny white guys. Made me think back to the Wall Mart sighting.

I got a book by Hunter S. Thompson. YEA! I like Dr.Gonzos writing. Although it makes me consider something, am I a warrior writer as he is, just minus the heavy medication and alcohol or one of The Doomed? I will hope for the first one. I know way too many of the latter.

The cold has arrived in Athens. I hate cold. I know it makes for the complete cycle and does have some benefits. Kills off germs and those unhealthy animals that have to live in it. I still hate it. Light dusting of snow still left on the ground. The temperature here has been like a yo-yo, its up and then its down. Sometimes it just goes down and spins on the end of the string. Other times it walks the dog. Confused? Good, then lets continue. Turn to chapter three in your textbooks.

The napkin.

While we were at the burrito place in Easton Mall, The Chipolte, we had need of the most common addition to every American fast food meal, the napkin. Now, I know a lot of dim people, but there is a limit on how far I will go to try to shove them out of the shallow water of intelligence. Others it seems do not have such self-restraint. On one side of the napkin was the name of the place, Chipolte. This is not strange, product branding and all. Flip the napkin over and low and behold, instruction for eating a burrito. To give it a little more international panache, it was all done with what looked like little international signs. You know, like the ones you see on electric hand dryers in public restrooms. I did find our translation a little more interesting though. It went something like this. Make ritual offering of burrito. Peel protective safety wrapper from outside of the burrito. Remove top of burrito to ignite and allow flames to escape. Who comes up with this symbology? Like the public washroom dryers, they can have multiple interpolations. Look at a dryer next time. Watch for the panels progression that looks like this, wash hands, press button, receive free bacon. I kid you not. They are done by the, get this, World Dryer Corporation. Maybe they are some evil corporation who is actually at fault for this whole global warming thing?

Till next time, be mindful and awake.

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