Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Okay, two posts in one day.Why this title, as stolen from my friend, The Fish? Simple, I just spent 20 minutes freaking out on blogger trying to figure out why all my archives vanished and my latest post (The one before this one) seemed to disappear...

Answer, I was reloading the /wrong/ page. It was a comment page I was reloading.

So far this week:

New cellphone screws the pooch.

Parts for bike enroute to Timbuktu.

Laced 100 scales wrong on new armor, had to redo them.

Back hurts and mood is complete crap, still.

Stabbed self in finger with scredriver, nasty puncture wound.

And it is only tuesday....awww Fucksticks!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, and I thought I had a shitty week. O.o Least I'm just sick and in need of tons of sleep...

    I would offer a hug... but I dunno if you want one right now......

    Not to make things worse, but you're double-archived along the side of the screen. Once by title, once by date.... o.o;

    ~Karyl, who has discovered that drinking a cream soda has made her miraculously more awake
