Friday, August 22, 2003


Yes, once again, no gamming. Guard weekend for one of our players, so we are sans 4 total. Next weekend is not looking good either already.*sigh* The weather today seems to be changing yet again. Yesterday was dam hot and humid. Even I was having problems. Today, well its 9am and the sky looks like 5am. Dark and forbodeing. It is starting to rain some, but stll not enough and it's almost 80 in the house.

I have decided that there is a bad side effect to reading Stephen Hawking early in the morning, your mind comes up with questions you can not answer. Today for example, mine was what is the mass of light? If it is energy and it can be measured, it must have mass. Dr.Hawking, feel free to email me about this, you have my address from my previous emails. Concepts of linerar and nonlinear time have been much on my mind of late. Why? I do not know, my brain does its own thing and I seem to be here just for the ride sometimes. Ever since I convinced myself Albert was in error, these things work their way thru now and then. Yea, I said it, Albert made an error. Now before you hard science types out there start grabbing the pitch forks and torches, screaming heritic and asaling the walls of my home, hear me out.

Everyone pretty much knows E=MC2

Energy=Mass x C(The speed of light) squared

Simple enough right? Well here is the flaw when you do any type of calculations:

Mass is expressed in grams and kilos, he said the speed of light was 186,000 miles per second per second.

And there in lies the flaw. You cannot multiply a standard measure by a metric measure and get a usable figure. So if you correct for this mistake you find that your results are radically changed. 186000 miles = 299,337.984 kilometers. Most 5th graders can see the change. So there you have it.

Took me a while to get back to this so I will stop here and work on the Saturday entry.

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