Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Um Excuse me!

Sorry about the few days with no posts, life happened.

So I'm reading, and I run across this:

A failed attempt in November to shoot down an Israeli charter jet with a shoulder-fired missile as it took off from the airport in Mombasa, Kenya, was a /wake-up call/ for U.S. intelligence agencies.

Okay, now is it just me or wasn't 9/11 a wake up call? Or perhaps the Embasy Bombings going on or our ongoing episodes of In search of Osama Bin Laudin or our playing Where's Sadam (Like Where's Waldo). How many wake up calls does the US Intelligence services need? Now I grock they have a hard job. Intell is at best subjective and open to a lot of interpitation. It is rare to hear when they do something right, for if they do, nothing happens. There are no easy ways to keep track of all the wackos out there. Agendeas are as wild and varried as there are Fruity Pebbles. Still, every time something happens the media in general claims it is a wake up call. Um guys, THERE IS NO SNOOZE BUTTON! Let them alone to do their jobs.

The media, geesh, where to start this scetion of the rant? How about this: They LIE. Not for some nefarious reason but simply for an economic one. Truth many times is very boring. To quote Dr. Egon Spangler "Print is dead". I will just let the bird cage liners be and move on to mass media. First of all most of the information we see on TV and hear on the radio comes from a very few sources. AP and Ruters as well as the megacorp AOL-TIME/Warner-CNN. If only three groups are feeding us information and they all want us to watch so they can sell commercial time, then something has to be worth watching, right?

Let us take for an example of entertainment-information a simple case concerning Mr. Jerry Rivers. Don't know who he is? Yes you do, he goes by the psuedonym Jeraldo Rivera. I have other rants about him, but we will let that lie where it is for now. So Jerry and his camera man are in Iraq. Okay, so are a lot of other repoters. Jerry does a broadcast. Again so what? Jerry draws for the camera on a live feed the location and direction of american and british troop movements with points of refrence. Um Jerry, that's aiding the enemy. Did you also post signs on the American millitary vehicals that said "Important Command Information In Here - This sign brought to you by AOL" ? Perhaps you were passing out bullseye t-shirts to our people as well.

Jerry got asked to leave. I am sorry, but I can remember a time when Jerry would have been more likely to have had an /accident/ in the desert or just flat out gone missing. Can you sleep at night Jerry? How many familys instead of a welcome home party got a visit from a berevement detachment because of you? Did your story get its raitings and viewer share you wanted? How are your numbers man? Got your 2% market share and some great footage hu?

I have no words for the pain I hope you some day feel inflicted on your body and mind. Pain, much pain.

Somehow we need to stop these idiots feeding info-trash to the other idiots out there. They can't be trusted. Oh? Don't belive me, consider this: In the first Gulf War there was a planned amphibious assualt by US Marines. That is what they do, the are Naval Infantry after all. So this top secret invasion plan was made and executed and you got to see it all live on CNN. Wow, to see it first person, the boats comming ashore and all those guys assualting the beach. Did you catch what I said? Go ahead and re read it, I'll wait.

Are you back now? Didn't catch it hu? Okay lets go over this slowly. Top Secret Invasion of US Marines on a beach. Boats comming ashore. To see the boats comming ashore, the CNN crew had to be there first. Guess what, they were. Waiting on the sand as the Marines landed. So much for Top Secret. I am quite surprised someone didn't open up on them with a 30 cal and toast them on the spot. Again live coverage. The other name for that is real time intelligence for anyone with a tv. Sadam has tvs. I bet Osama Bin Laudin has at least 1 tv too. They showed the President of the US watching CNN during the Gulf War because the intell he was getting from there was faster than that of the millitary on the ground. That is sad, very, very sad.

I do belive there are a few journalists out there who do a great job. They bring us the truth and an unbiased opinion of the facts as they occur. They have morals and scruples. If the two of them ever run into me, I'll buy lunch cause I'll bet your hungry for not giving into the media machine. Keep up the fight and try to sway others to come over to the side of truth. Keep at it. Try to catch them just as they graduate and smuggle them away from the corperate sector real fast before they can be corrupted by the dork side of the force.

The media nowdays is not here to inform, they are there to entertain. Want to restore credibility to the media? Bring back Walter Cronkite. There was integrity. The man poped off at the head of the CIA when he was /accused/ of being an agent. Big brass there! He was our eyes and sometimes saw things we missed, but pointed it out to us. He made us think. Something a large ammount of Americans are loathe to do now days. He did not speculate with a bunch of paid analysts in bad suits. He was there. World War 2, Korea, Viet Nam, Walter went where the story was and showed us. No fancy 3d graphics and /Situational Theme Music/. Something harder, truth.

So, keep your eyes open. It is easier to spot the lies if you know your being lied to. You are, accept that. Find the truth and share it.

Word to ya Walter!

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